
We went to the Pine Knoll Shores aquarium last Monday. I knew Hayden would absolutely love it and he did. Those of you that have been to the Baltimore aquarium this one is much smaller, but it was better then I expected. There was one huge tank that we could have spent hours at, Hayden was mesmerized. It was soooo good to do a little family outing, we hadn't had one in a little while.
He loved putting his hand in the water of the touch tank of stingrays, but as soon as they got close he pulled his hand back fast!
Ugh, would have been a great picture, he purposely looks away for pics. so frustrating!!
Ha! I got a good one!! Hayden found this water faucet and started posing, he was totally hamming it up


Resie Martin said...

We loved that aquirium when we went to see it when Hayden was born. I lost the pictures in my camera cause I was learning how to download and must have deleted before I wanted.

Doreen said...

So glad you all got sometime as a family to have a blast. Looks like it was enjoyed by all.

Ngotngamwong Family said...

He is so cute and getting so big! I totally get the looking away for pictures....try having two boys! They like to close their eyes, stick their tongues out, or just look away from the camera. I'll tell you what. But now I've decided to make the best of those moments and keep them as blackmail. They are good memories too :-)

Jenn and Shawn said...

Looks like a fun family activity! We went to a little Aquarium with Jerry and his family and us when we where at the beach last September. They had a touch tank too which Jerry's kids absolutely loved and Sophia wasn't sure what she thought about it.