
A buzz

Hayden can grow hair like crazy! It seems like I could trim it every other week, so this time he got a buzz (thanks to my neighbor for helping me). I think he looks so cute and he is certainly not a baby anymore :( He is talking so much and learning all kinds of new things. I really like this stage except for the temper tantrums that are starting to make a daily appearance.


We love popsicles!!


So proud of himselfOut to eat on Ryan's birthday

Playing before bed, Ryan built the base, Hayden did the tower

Wearing a pair of overalls that Ryan wore when he was little!

Learning to enjoy his books

oh no!!

Trying hard to explain something to daddy

So tired


Wow, I am so behind on posting. It seems summer has suddenly gotten busy! We've enjoyed several trips to the beach, a 4th of July trip to PA and having Ryan's mom here for a week, followed by both his parents being here for the weekend. Ryan is enjoying his summer break, it seems so hard to believe that it's over in a month:( The next several post will be of the past month. I hope all of you are enjoying the beautiful summer days!

What a mess!!

Love his face