Ryan finished up his junior year at NC State in May. For him to graduate in May 2013 he had to take a few summer classes, which went well. Ryan does an amazing job at balancing school, work, MANY hours of homework, and being a husband and dad all at the same time. If I remember correctly he has had only 2 B's in his engineering college career. I should stop bragging about him before I get myself in trouble but I am so proud of him! He started school full time again in August. I'm so excited for 2013 and to see where God leads us! It's hard to believe that we are close to the end of the school journey.
We had fun in Raleigh this summer and also went on a few family vacations. Time away from the ordinary routine of life is so important to keeping perspective as to what really matters in life. Since I last posted we made a trip to PA in May. Ryan and I were able to get away for a late anniversary/school's out celebration to Emerald Isle while Hayden was able to be with his North Carolina grandparents in New Bern. We were in Virgina in July and August for our family vacations. The Weaver family went to Cape Charles, VA for time together and to make memories. The Martin family went to Luray, VA and explored Skyline Drive and the area around it. Some other things we enjoyed this summer and fall thus far.....hours spent by the pool with friends, Hayden becoming an excellent swimmer and going off the diving board unassisted, walking around downtown, grilling out, watching the Olympics, a night out to a local music venue, Durham Bulls baseball game, going to the train station, storytime at the library, fireman's parade, VBS, new friendships through church, two weddings, playing with the neighbor boys, bug bites, being challeneged in parenting,starting preschool, ahh yes this summer has been good!
What about myself? I keep our home running smoothly and work approximately 25 hrs a week serving. I was asked to be a small group leader at the local MOPS group that I attend which I know will be rewarding and a place that I can help other moms. I recently took a camera class where I learned a ton and have been fun praticing how to shoot in manual mode. I'm anxiously waiting for Christmas when I hope I will get a new lens. :)
Something I've been thinking about. Every fall when Ryan goes back to school and isn't able to work full time I
Hope you are enjoying the beginning of fall!
well written honey, it has been a great summer :)
Thanks for the update Denise...looking forward to the pics.
Mom W.
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