
Laundry Time!!

I know I posted before that Hayden loves to help with the laundry, well that hasn't changed. I wish I got excited as he does about the chore!!


Mom Martin said...

Looks like you have a great helper. I' am surprised he didn't hit his head. It reminds me that he is growing and that it is time to see him (and his parent) soon. Thanks for the post

Kendra Martin said...

I would trade chores with you.
(I enjoy laundry)
His looks really remind me of Weston.
Weston would rather empty the basket than fill it!! (but he doesn't understand yet)
We'll have to touch base soon.

Anonymous said...

So hilarious! Malakai watched with me and loved it too!


Doreen said...

To perfect. I wish I had a helper like that to help me with my laundry. Send him on up.