Our time started out on a sad note at the passing of his grandmother. She lived a full and happy life of 90 years. Ryan grew up just a corn field away from her, so he was close to his grandma. Many changes will be happening, the farm where Ryan grew up will be sold. It was good to see family on his side that we hadn't seen in years, some that I had never met!
Hayden got his first try at cereal, he really liked it! He just didn't know how to get his tongue to cooperate with getting the food to the backof his mouth, now he's a pro at it. Since we've been back in NC he's been to the doctor and he is a growing boy. He is in the 75th percentile for weight and height.
My family had our summer vacation while we were in PA. We went to the cabin for the 4th of July. It was so relaxing! We went hiking, went to see some awesome fireworks over a river and rode 4-wheeler. We also had some good campfire food and our own exciting fireworks. You never know what might happen when you have 3 young guys and fireworks! Thanks for all the laughs and good memories Martin family!
Ryan's brother bought a house while we were there so Ryan was able to help hang drywall and I helped packed for moving day. They had a cookout for the family at their old place one last time. It was so fun to watch Hayden and all his cousins interact. He is well loved by each one of them.
We also went boating with our friends Eric and Regina Martin and their little guy Malakai. Our boys did great! They both took several little naps, the rocking of the boat helped put them to sleep. The water was choppy that day so I didn't get a chance to ski, but Ryan did. We also went tubing and Ryan tried to wake board as well. We got off the water just a minute or two before a huge thunderstorm. What excitement and memories!
Our last weekend there we went to Renae Weaver and Wes Nolt's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding despite the very warm July weather. It was great to catch up with some people we haven't seen in a few years.
Enjoy the many pictures below. I'm not sure why the words are off to the side below the pics and I don't really care, I've been working on this blog for way too long.
The Weaver grandkids
Grandpa Martin and Hayden
Dad and Mom Martin
Hayden's first 4-wheeler rider-the first of many to come!
He looked so stinking cute..all you could see were his little arms and legs!
We were the gift receivers
The beautiful bride and groom