Any tips on getting a good family pic by yourself?
Father's Day
On Sunday we planned to go to the beach for the day. Ryan and I were both looking forward to it all week. But when we woke up Sunday it was cloudy and there was a chance of showers all day. We were so bummed! We decided to head to a town close to the beach and take a walk if it wasn't raining. We had a great time walking around and grabbed a bite to eat at a very cool restaurant. When we were finished we decided to drive to the beach to see what it was like, I am so glad we did. It was so beautiful, we were walking along the water and decided to change into our suits and take a dip. The water was green and so warm even though it was 6:30 in the evening. Hayden loved the waves and was on his best behavior all day just for daddy! Pics from the day and a few others from the week.

One Sunday afternoon we decided to take Hayden swimming in the river, the water was sooo warm due to the recent heat wave. We thought it would be a good time to see if he likes swimming. We found out he loves getting in the water. He was is in for about 45 min. and the only reason we got him out was because our arms were getting tired of holding him. It must have made him tired as well because within 10 min of getting him out he was sound asleep and he just had a 2 hour nap before he went in!

Three months
It's hard to believe that Hayden has been apart of our life for three months already. Time is flying by and he is growing. He is such a good baby. Hayden loves when Ryan comes home and gives him his full attention. This week we took him to a park and snapped some pictures of him. It was his first time in a baby swing and we were both quite surprised at how well he sat up and how much he liked it. These are pics from that evening and the last couple of weeks. 

No mom, I won't sleep with my head to the side. I want to sleep face down!
Homemade ice cream
One night a couple weeks ago we had The Buckwalter's over for homemade ice cream. It had been a really hot day and the ice cream was sooo good and refreshing. The kids had fun helping Ryan put everything together and checking to see if it was ready to eat. We forgot to get a picture if us enjoying it, but here are a few pics from the evening.
Zion loves playing with Hayden, she will be a good mother some day!
On May 22 Ryan and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary! What a journey it's been since we said "I do". In the past we have always gone away for our anniversary but with a 2 month old we decided that going out for the evening was better. Our good friends Matt & Naomi watched Hayden for the evening and we went on a motorcycle ride to Jacksonville. We ate at Logan's Steakhouse. As we pulled in the parking lot Ryan was going to drop me off at the door and go park. But there was no need to go find a parking spot since there was a sign posted on the front of the building that said " motorcycle parking only all others will be towed". It was pretty cool to have a spot right up front just for bikes!
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