My parents came to New Bern to check out our new home and spend some time with us the weekend before Thanksgiving (November 19-21). We had a good time showing them around the area; we went to Moore's Old Tyme Barbeque (the best pulled pork in NC) which is about a mile from our house, and Baker's Square (a restaurant downtown)They also got to see where our friends from PA are now living here. We had a good time hanging out with them as we all continue to try to understand God's plans for our lives and specifically how two generations can and should relate. We didn't arrive at any magic answers (sorry) but I think we continue to learn how to be honest and how to be able to see some of the challenges in each of our perspectives. Denise and I have been very blessed and appreciative of their support for us moving down here and their willingness to be for us, even when they don't always understand why we do the things we do as we try to live out God's plan for our lives. Thanks Dad and Mom for making the trip down here!! We love you.
Here are some pictures from our weekend:

Dad and Mom in front of Baker's Square Restaurant our house
Hey, you got some nice looking parents there! ;)
Glad to share them with you. :)
Hey Ryan and Denise and Baby Weaver!! Isn't it an awesome blessing of GOD to have a baby? Yea! May THE LORD continue to bless your socks off and keep amazing you with his great things. Hey, I looked at the Plumbline link on your blog and it rocks. Great teaching. Know that we are thinkin of you and r with you in our hearts. Much love to you,
Drew Metcalf
Hey, pray for us too, especially pray for revival and purity of heart among the youth we work with. Revival is coming
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