Denise and I talked about names alot while she was pregnant, as I'm sure most parents do. We believe that someone's name is a significant thing, since it is something that will always be a part of who our child is. You can also see the significance of names in Scripture, the various names of God that each describe a particular facet of who He is, the times where God changed a person's name at a transformational time in their lives etc. A lot of parents focus on if they like the name, will the child get made fun of later in life because of the name and so on. While we obviously thought about those things as well, we also wanted our baby's name to reflect who God had made him/her to be. It is an awesome thing to be able to name another person... So we talked about a lot of different names and looked at their meanings as well.
Hayden has a few different origins, including German, English and Welsh. The one we feel best describes our baby boy is the Welsh origin which means "fire" .
Samuel is obviously a biblical name and has a Hebrew origin. It has several possible meanings which include: "his name is God", "God heard" and "God's heart"
We feel like God has put a fire in Hayden's heart for Him and we identify with several different aspects of the Samuel in scripture. First the passion of his mother, Hannah, to have a child even though God had closed her womb. She prayed for a child and God heard her cry and answered. When she named him Samuel, she said:"because I asked the Lord for him". She also had made a vow that if God gave her a son, she would give him back to God to serve Him. After he had been weaned, she took him to the temple and said this to the priest: "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD." And he worshiped the LORD there."
There is also the part of Samuel's life where God calls to him three times before he realizes that is God speaking to him, and he begins to have a connection with God that was rare in those days.
When we decided that we wanted to have children, we assumed that it would happen almost right away, but it didn't. As some of you know, we eventually found out that Denise was having some problems with her pituitary gland which was affecting her hormones etc. and was able to be treated with medication. However for a while we didn't know what was going on and we prayed often that God would bless us with children, and many people joined with us on different occasions to believe for God's best plan for our lives. During this time one of the most significant things God showed us was that we should not focus so much on what a child would do for us, how it would enrich our lives etc. but to focus on how we could invest in our children and help them to be all that they could be. So in our hearts we say, the Lord has answered our prayer and we give him to the Lord.
We also believe that Hayden will have a special relationship with God and will be able to communicate God's heart to people that don't necessarily know God's heart for them.
Hayden (a.k.a. "the stud") Weaver photo shoot
We wanted to get a good picture of Hayden for our upcoming birth announcement so we had some fun a few days ago..... Here are a few of our favorites.
More Hayden stuff...
Ryan's parents came to see little Hayden this weekend and spend some time in NC again. We were very excited for them to be able to see him, since we knew how much they wanted to meet him in person. We definitely enjoyed having them here again.
We were happy to have Denise's parents here for almost a week right after Hayden was born and now to have my parents here. It was a joy to watch both sets of grandparents interact with their new is interesting to see a 50-something adult speak in baby language!
Here are some pics from the weekend, also some other pics from the last week or so....Enjoy!

Hayden and Grandma Weaver
the proud grandparents...
Heather Buckwalter and the kids stopped by with a greatly appreciated meal the other day, so Moses, Sarah and Silas got to love on Hayden for a while....
Moses Buckwalter and Hayden
chillin' like a villain
holding our little treasure...
Coming Home
Hayden came home yesterday (3/5/08). We are so proud of him and so thankful to the Lord for giving us a healthy baby boy to parent and invest in. Who knows what he will do and who he will become?
He had his first doctor appointment today and he is doing great. Denise is also doing well and adjusting to her role as Hayden's mom. Thank you to everyone who has visited him already and to those of you in Pennsylvania who are carrying us in your hearts, we love you!
Hayden and Grandpa Martin
leaving the hospital
Hayden and "Uncle" Matt
First bath at home
Hayden and Micah Barlett
Hayden Samuel
We have a baby boy!!! Hayden Samuel was born today at 1:44 am at Lenoir Memorial Hospital in Kinston, NC about 40 min. from our house. He weighed 7 lbs 8.5 oz. and was 20.5" long. It's been interesting ride, we got to the hospital about 2:00 pm Sunday afternoon and things were progressing nicely up to midnight. When the doctor gave the go ahead to start pushing, the baby's heart rate started climbing, so after monitoring everything for about 1/2 hr the doc decided to go ahead and do a c-section to minimize risk to the baby and Denise. We were definitely not hoping for this route, but the baby and Denise are doing fine and I was able to be in the OR for the delivery.
We are so excited to be parents, when we heard Hayden cry for the first time, Denise and I both started crying. This little human, crying and making baby noises... wow! Here are a few pics for now, I'm sure there will be many more to follow.....
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