The weekend of January 25-27 Ryan and I headed to Myrtle Beach, SC for our last getaway before the baby comes. Saturday was drizzling outside so we went to an IMAX movie, took a nap and in the evening we went to Medieval Times dinner theater. On Sunday it was beautiful, the clouds moved on and the sun was out! We went for a walk on the beach and stoped at the local Harley store to contiune our tradition of getting Harley shirts of the towns we visit. On the way home we decided to stop and take a tour of the USS North Carolina, the most decorated battleship of WWII. This ship was huge! (729' long) We were on it for 2 hours and didn't see everything! It was mind boggling to see the inner workings of the ship. Ryan and I were surprised at the amount of technology that was used back then.
An update on doctor and hospital stuff. We went to Lenoir Hospital last week and both of us are excited about having the baby there. Insurance will cover this hospital and it's about a 40 min. drive from New Bern. Tomorrow I have an appointment with one of the doctor's that delivers at Lenoir, so then baby and I are set to go! Hopefully not too soon though, the nursery isn't quite ready.
a few pictures of Medieval Times

The show includes dinner and real horses and horseman performing various "battles", jousting etc.
a very large chain on the front of the ship, I think it was used for one of the anchors
Ryan peering through a periscope type instrument from inside one of the gun turrets (so you can see where you want to shoot)
Ryan on the deck of the USS North Carolina
I don't think you would want to see these guns if you were an enemy. The battleship has 9 guns that fire 16" diameter projectiles and 20 smaller guns that fire 5" projectiles plus 18 .50 caliber machine guns!
inside one of the engine rooms, we were amazed at the engineering that was involved in designing this ship
gunpowder that is used to launch the 16" projectiles
i forget how much each bullet weighed but they uses 540lbs of gunpowder to launch each one

a few pictures from the sands of myrtle beach, s.c.