I thought I would post a few pictures of our new place, now that we are settled in and things are pretty much in order. We really love our house and enjoy our neighborhood. We live on a dead end street with about nine houses on it. It's mostly families, so it's really quiet, (especially compared to Lancaster City). We live about a quarter mile off of Highway 17 which is a four lane highway that has lots of shopping, restaurants, grocery stores etc., so we are close to almost everything that we need....

Our House
close-up of our front porch and some of Denise's handiwork
Our living room
another view of our living room
our kitchen, which includes a dishwasher (for the first time in our marriage!!)
Dining room
Master Bedroom
Master bathroom, double sink, shower, tub etc.
our office/guest bedroom
second bathroom
what will be the nursery, is currently our storage room

our rear deck and backyard