Ryan and I are officially bloggers! We told many people that we wanted to start after the move so here it goes! This will be a great way to stay in touch since we are a good bit away from our family and friends (but remember not too far away for a weekend trip!).
As many of you know we moved from PA to NC Oct. 19. After much preparing, packing and planning we are in NC. It feels so good to be here. All of our belongings were loaded Oct. 18th and we couldn't have asked for an easier day. We had excellent help and were finished earlier then we expected! We headed out early the 19th and, after a problem with one of the trucks, we arrived late in the evening. Thanks to everyone who helped us, we couldn't have done it without you! Ryan and I are so excited about this next season of our life as Ryan finds a job and we prepare to become parents (which is becoming more of a reality everyday). Here are a few pictures from loading up and unpacking, as well as some of our new house. I'll post pictures of every room after we are unpacked.
The sold sign!
Ryan's nephew Blake, a willing little helper-notice the pile behind him

Ryan and his dad take a break from loading the trailer
The most precious piece of cargo loaded
This truck and trailer had the majority of our stuff

Close the door quick!
Our new house-104 Belles Way
Dining room
Living room
Another view of living room
Our back deck guest!
The first evening at our new place